原帖由 kkeeleung 於 23-10-2009 02:25 發表 沉底帖再現, 因為近排阿蘇成日講, 大家有無好食的檔子提供 ? 同埋仲有無其他分享.
阿蘇早排介紹的兩間雞蛋仔檔子我有試過 :
(1) 北角~北角英皇道492號
好味道, texture 唔錯 (但是我expect 佢會更好 , 所以沒有太大驚喜)
(2) 筲箕灣~筲箕灣道57-87號太安樓地下A3B舖
早好耐之前 (about 1 year ago ) 阿蘇 介紹過Lee 間檔子還大讚D雞蛋仔外面脆得黎入面好鬆軟, 岩岩好, and she said they taste even better than the one at 北角....however after one year, she went back to the same store again (it was about a month ago), 阿蘇 tried the 雞蛋仔 again, but 佢彈得好犀利 , she said it now costs more but taste worse than before .
I went to 太安樓 to try it not too long ago, 講真, 真係有些些失望 ... I wouldn't say the 雞蛋仔 didn't taste good (actually they taste ok), but it's really not very special & the inside was a bit dry... ( however o個個檔賣嘢的人好 nice, 好 friendly, 我同佢地"king" 咗一陣, 所以作為一個customer, 有好的service 都會令個客人好開心)