Here is the meaning of the lyrics (a japanese friend of mine translated for me before):
Kaki=persimmon, Kabocha=pumpkin, Kanna=canna, kana=?
Mango=mango, Matsutake=mushroom, Mandarin=mandarin
Kuri=chestnut, Kurumi=walnut, Kuchinashi=Cape jasmine or gardenia
Rairakku=lilac, Rabendaa=lavender, Daria=dahlia, daidai=color of orange
Ichigo=strawberry, Ichijiku=fig, Ichou no ki=maidenhair tree
Budou=grape, korokoro=rolling, Buna=beech, no shita=under the ~
Tsubaki=camellia, Tukushi=horsetail, Tsukimisou=evening primrose
(may be someone can help translate or type this in Chinese
, ø¸Ó§r?)
¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Shiawase ©ó 26-3-2009 22:03 ½s¿è ]