ì©«¥Ñ ¶W¤H¥S§Ì ©ó 23-8-2008 17:59 µoªí
Wow...so quick!ar_woo is Nakamura super fever fans!!
I've created a private YouTube area for friends who would like to see some of the clips. Just add me as friend (wongkit2007) on YouTube but pls tell me who you are on oldcake.net. This is for friends only and I'll confirm by PM.
About half of the songs are the same (I mean same recording, just added video) as those on the CD you have (1994 Budakon)
¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 23-8-2008 18:48 ½s¿è ]