
201X Hero Company

201X Hero Company

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HERO COMPANY [Author,Drawing]Kazuhiko Shimamoto

Justice and reflection and cheerful, and loud love feat.  His father was working in Hero Company.  Even while hid hot passion, and awfully weak to push.  Favorite Suites chocolate that contains nuts.  He was appointed in soft yellow dessert V. Feats fighting art.  There is confidence in the instantaneous power and brute force.  Despite the rugged appearance, also one side a natural.  Under the hero suit with the belief that nudity should be (mapper).  He was appointed to the navy in macaroon dessert V.  Favorite Suites is hard cream puff. Feat movement to use the leg.  Shy a ladylike.  Beautiful woman who tries to work hard to single-minded, even while feeling the complex in such myself.  He was appointed to de Lang Shah Why in dessert V.  Like anything if Suites.
Weapon can handle one as anything but, cyber attacks for good at (self-proclaimed).  It is not good enough grasp how not whether there is a motivation, a mystery in many cases.  The decline because it was not a leader be appointed a member of the dessert V.  Favorite Suites ice. スピードと²Óかい°Êきに¦Û«Hアリ¡Cºqも±o·N¡C³Ì¦~¤Öでありながらとにかくパワフル¡I ¤fより¥ýに¤âが¥Xる¶É¦Vあり¡Cそのツッコミのするどさも¨£°kせない¡Cデザート¢äではパフェ・ピンクに´N¥ô¡C¦nきなスイーツはパフェ¨t¡C 

