ì©«¥Ñ Kendama ©ó 22-6-2009 02:36 µoªí
Oh dear .. you may probably be the youngest cake in the concert ... The 80s was passionate ... I used to hang around in Bevees in Canton Road (Harbour Road?) ... have you been there? How' ...
Actually they allowed early entrances for many old ppl walking v. slowly/ with canes/ wheelchairs
Bevees..... don't remember the exact name but I remember Hollywood East/ Canton/ etc in TST. It was a dream-like experience walking inside seeing all the light+smoke+loud music.........
Bro tnd's fine, happy and busy as usual.
Well maybe if I like it enough I'll take early retirement there
Time to sleep, goodnight bro K and all oldcake friends
Long live the 80's