ì©«¥Ñ newhello ©ó 30-1-2007 16:42 µoªí
http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o53/newhello/daitesujin320L.jpg http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o53/newhello/daitesujin420L.jpg http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o53/newhello/daitesu ...
Last week during Easter holiday and i visit to Toys Open show,'
and see many popy Chogokin there, but i remember i really like ¤jÅK¤H17, but since i £@¢é¢û a child and my family was not rich¡A¢û¢÷¡@¢û¢÷¢õ¢í¢ü¢ñ¢õ¢í¢û¡@¢ñ¡@£@¢ñ¢ô¢ô¡@¢û¢ñ¢ü¢ü¢ñ¢ö¢ï¡@my neighbours home (outside the gate), and just borrow their Chogokin toys and play with the children.
Wow...ST GA 81, thats the one of my favour,,,,,,,,,,,,I remember its available at ¤j¤j¤½¥q ¢@
¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ vincent_heihei ©ó 15-4-2007 19:10 ½s¿è ]